Executive Director Taletha Washburn recently sent a message to Quincy Learning Center parents to share the latest developments in building a new Quincy facility for Plumas Charter School.
She explained that winter weather delayed completion of site studies at the PCS property on the corner of Kelsey Lane and Quincy Junction Road, and the engineering survey has just now been completed.
Unfortunately, more dirt work will be required than originally planned, to the point of exceeding the project budget.
“However, there are only two bids that were received for the work,” said Washburn. “With the help of a local contractor, we are actively seeking at least two other bids from other sources. We are also looking at some creative options with the contractor to separate out some of the work from their scope and handle it internally.”
This hurdle is extending the timeline for the project, likely by at least six months to a year, said Washburn. Ground will probably not be broken this summer, as PCS had hoped, and a new facility won’t be ready until January 2020 at the earliest.
“We will continue to do everything we can to make this site happen,” said Washburn. “We will continue our processes with gusto and optimism in order to get the ball rolling in as timely a manner as we are able. We are absolutely not giving up!”
PCS is also exploring other possible locations for a new facility, in case the requirements for building at Kelsey Lane prove too great.
Washburn invited parents and community members with contracting or construction experience to share ideas, and she welcomes questions. Contact her at (530) 283-3851.