These dates are based on current plans and knowledge, subject to change as the process moves forward. Questions? Call 530-283-3851 and ask for Taletha or Patrick.
8/14/18: Pre-bid meeting. This is the opportunity for any interested contractors to meet with PCS administrators, ask questions, and walk the site.
8/24/18: Bids due to Executive Director Taletha Washburn by 4 p.m. Bids will be reviewed and scored by the facilities committee (Executive Director Taletha Washburn, Quincy Site Director Patrick Joseph, PCS board president Steve Hill, PCS board treasurer Aaron Lohn, and project manager Nick Trover).
8/29/2018: Bid review complete by this date.
9/7/18: Contractor interviews with facilities committee; contractor selection by end of day. This meeting is subject to reschedule for following week due to Labor Day. After contractor selection, there is a one-week rebuttal period.
9/17/2018: Approval of selected contractor and Phase 1 of process. These items will be included in the PCS board meeting. Phase 1 will begin shortly thereafter; this phase includes finalizing design and development preparation.