Our Mission

Plumas Charter School is committed to providing our rural communities with educational opportunities and flexibility that support students in reaching their individual potential. Our core values are compassion, perseverance, integrity and responsiveness. 

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Learning Centers

Plumas Charter School serves students in kindergarten through 12th grade throughout Plumas and adjacent counties. Our personalized learning approach includes independent study, concurrent college enrollment, enrichment activities, online curricula, electives, and center-based courses in Quincy, Indian Valley, and Chester.

Quincy Learning Center
Indian Valley Academy 

Chester Learning Center

IVA band students find inspiration in San Francisco ballet
Accompanied by chaperones and their dedicated music teacher, Dr. Jane Brown, the IVA band students traveled to San Francisco to experience a live performance of the Nutcracker Ballet at the iconic War Memorial Opera House, a trip blending artistic inspiration with holiday magic.
PCS leaders share resilience story at CSDC conference
Representatives from Plumas Charter School joined educational leaders from across California gathered for the annual Charter Schools Development Center (CSDC) conference from November 18-20.
PCS’ Amy Branch is a dedicated mentor and advocate for special education
Amy Branch, a special education teacher at Plumas Charter School, serves students at Indian Valley Academy and the Chester Learning Center with dedication and creativity. Her teaching journey, which began in the Bay Area and evolved across various roles, has led her to become a cornerstone of the SPED program at PCS. Beyond teaching, she mentors other SPED teachers and finds joy in creating innovative strategies to support her students, fostering confidence and success in their learning journeys.
Alumni Volleyball Tournament brings support to Warriors athletics
The first-annual Warriors Alumni Volleyball Tournament brought together former players, students and community members all while raising funds for the Warriors junior high and high school volleyball programs.
Community schools initiative expands in year two
Plumas Charter School is progressing into year two of its California Community Schools Partnership Planning Grant by beginning implementation. This phase is guided by insights from a thorough needs and assets assessment.

Executive Director's Message

At Plumas Charter School, we are proud to bring our core values of compassion, perseverance, integrity and responsiveness to the forefront in serving our students and families even when challenges arise. I am immensely grateful to and privileged to work with our teachers and staff, who unite behind our mission to offer personalized education while also supporting our students, families, employees, and communities. To our families: thank you for choosing PCS and for being active participants in your child's education. Your partnership and trust are held in great esteem. I am looking forward to continuing to support the evolution of our school culture and our instructional team. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns! -Taletha Washburn

School News
