Board of Directors

Plumas Charter School Board of Directors

Plumas Charter School is an independent charter school and, as such, has its own board of directors. As required by California law, our board meetings are open to the public, and the agenda for every meeting is posted in advance at all four PCS learning centers, as well as online. The annual board calendar is also available to the public. Anyone with questions about attending a board meeting is invited to call the Quincy business office at (530) 283-3851. We welcome and encourage parent and community involvement!

PCS operates under the California nonprofit corporation Plumas Alternative Learning Services (PALS). The Plumas Charter School board of directors sets the number and qualifications of directors on the board. The number of directors shall be not fewer than three or more than 30, with the desired minimum number of board members being seven: five parents representing the three major communities we serve, and two community members. To learn more about our current board members, visit Meet the Board.

Anyone interested in serving on our board is invited to attend a meeting to gain an idea of the board’s duties and concerns. Those wishing to serve must a submit a letter of interest to the board. New members are seated annually, at the July meeting, except in the case of midterm vacancies, which will be announced and filled as they occur.

To contact a member or members of the PCS board of directors, address mail to the name(s) below at Plumas Charter School, 1425 E. Main St., Quincy, CA 95971.

Plumas Charter School Board of Directors
Stephen Hill President, Community Member
Judy Gimple
Secretary, Community Member
Amy Moffett  Community Member
Mallory Marin Plumas Unified School District Representative
Sean Harris Parent Member, Quincy
Nils Lunder Parent Member, Indian Valley